
Verdaccio Charts (Helm)

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Verdaccio is a simple, zero-config-required local private npm registry. No need for an entire database just to get started! Verdaccio comes out of the box with its own tiny database, and the ability to proxy other registries (eg., caching the downloaded modules along the way. For those looking to extend their storage capabilities, Verdaccio supports various community-made plugins to hook into services such as Amazon’s s3, Google Cloud Storage or create your own plugin.

Verdaccio is a lightweight private NPM proxy registry.


$ helm repo add verdaccio
$ helm repo update
$ helm install verdaccio/verdaccio

⚠️ If you are using stable/verdaccio chart, be aware is deprecated, forward all new PR and or issues to this repository.


This chart bootstraps a Verdaccio deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Installing the Chart

Add repository

helm repo add verdaccio

In this example we use npm as release name:

helm install --name npm verdaccio/verdaccio

Deploy a specific version

helm install --name npm --set image.tag=4.6.2 verdaccio/verdaccio

Upgrading Verdaccio

helm upgrade npm verdaccio/verdaccio

The command deploys Verdaccio on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the npm deployment:

$ helm delete npm